User Experience (UX)

Websites have become progressively more complex as technologies advance – but regardless of the changes in the build process, a website’s success still hinges on just one thing: how users perceive it.

 User experience (UX) is how a person feels when interfacing with a system – whether that’s a website, a web application or desktop software.

Our team includes UX designers whose role is to study and evaluate how users feel about a system, looking at such things as ease of use, perception of the value of the system, utility, efficiency in performing tasks and so forth.

They also look at sub-systems and processes within a system – such as the checkout process of an e-commerce website to see whether users find the process of buying products from the website easy and pleasant.

Why this matters to you

Once upon a time user-centered design was just based on what looked good and what a client wanted to see.

But while aesthetics and brand are important, the user should come before the client and the designer.
Websites have become so complex and feature-rich that, to be effective, they must have great user experience designs.

Additionally, users have been accessing websites in an increasing number of ways – mobile devices, a vast landscape of browsers, different types of Internet connections – and all need to be properly responsive.

How we work

We combine the best practices in user experience design and visual user interface design to create compelling websites.

Pulling the team together, we use user insights and experts knowledge to guide design decisions and test prototypes before committing to production.

With strong technical understanding, our designers plan for scale and create robust design systems.

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