
A good PR strategy is like a decent Sat Nav – it will guide you to your destination until there’s a bump in the road when it adapts to find a new route and still get you there in good time.

Sounds good, right? Well, we provide this for all our clients – a roadmap from A to B – by asking you for your end goal and ensuring every move we make has that in mind.

It will involve using a whole heap of tactics best suited to get to that objective too – from business and consumer communications to community relations, from events to media relations and from social media management to influencer marketing. And let’s not forget the crisis communications provision here either.

After all, it doesn’t matter how direct the route is on this journey of yours, there is always the possibility of a juggernaut coming in the other direction.

A good PR strategy will make sure there’s no head-on collision.

What’s in it for me?

The first question is actually, what is it you want? 

Because with the right approach, most business goals are achievable. 

Do you want to strengthen and increase brand awareness? Do you want to access investment opportunities? Is lead generation your problem? Or perhaps you struggle to recruit industry talent – or retain what you have already?

Once we have an outline of your goals, we will do some research and review your target audiences.

What’s your website like? Is it easy to find, easy to read, easy to navigate? Are the colours, layout, and design legible? What might be missing? 

What’s your social media presence like? Do you have one? If so, how much engagement does it get? 

Have you had any press coverage? Was it positive, negative, or neutral in tone? 

Who are your customers? What do they like? What do they need? What do they want?

This communications audit will help us set the objectives and choose which channels to use for the most effective outcome.

From here, we create a plan of reactive and proactive opportunities tied into a calendar that helps us keep your objectives SMART.

We will then demonstrate how effective each action has been on a month-by-month basis, adapting as we go to get the right combination of activity to meet the aim.

Let’s talk