The importance of award season for small businesses

If, like us, you like to blow your own trumpet, you will know how much fun it is to win an award. But if you are the shy, retiring type about celebrating your success, our brand-new PR intern Beth Moody is here to explain exactly why it’s worth doing – and how we are the people best placed to help you do it. 

We love an award. And we are very good at writing them too. In fact, here at Satsuma, most recently we were nominated for Small Business of the Year and Rising Star in the Suffolk Business Awards and Best Long-Term Campaign, Small Consultancy of the Year and…… drumroll please… PR Consultancy of the Year in the CIPR Pride Awards for our region. 

So aside from the fact we love to put on a sparkly dress and join other award nominees for a good night out – why do we enter these award schemes? 

Well first and foremost, it gets our name out there. People talk about us. And because they talk about us, they think of us when they need PR, copywriting, brand design or ahem… an award written.  

Awards get you noticed. And with this comes expansion of your market reach.  

This vital component of lead generation works for all small businesses, who, like ours, deserve to be recognised for the skills they have, the talent they foster and the service or product they bring to the market.  

Awards help build credibility and even being shortlisted gives you a seal of approval that shows potential customers and suppliers that what you do is of quality. 

Winning – or even just entering – an award is a wonderful way to show your recognition for the hard work and dedication of your workforce too. This can lead to increased morale and motivation among your employees and reinforces the idea that they should be proud of the work they are doing. 

Another thing to remember is that winning an award comes with a whole load of PR opportunity plus the free marketing elements that might include assets to add to your website and email signatures. 

For us, attending awards is also a lovely opportunity to network. 

It gives us a chance to show off our imaginative, creative, and ambitious perspective and promote the unique approach we take to supporting our clients with our expertise.  

The award season for small businesses brings exciting occasions for us to meet and mingle with likeminded professionals, celebrate the work of others, and learn from those who have walked a similar path to our segments. 

These latest award nominations of ours are exciting when considering the rapid growth and success of Satsuma, allowing us to demonstrate to a wider clientele just how outstanding our services are. We hope, with this success, our credibility can continue to grow. 

I’m thrilled to be joining Satsuma at such an exciting time, as we look at our aspirations for the future and continue to celebrate our team and their hard work.

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